Our Farm

Our Farm
We are a small scale, family run farm. Primarily we keep Aberdeen Angus beef cattle, that are looked after by Spitfire, our pedigree Angus bull.
We also keep a small flock of rare breed Greyface Dartmoor sheep, which although small in numbers, make up for it in their determination to escape from any field we put them in.
We have two orchards that contain mainly old traditional apple varieties, this is where we get the majority of our apples from (the balance are bought in from local orchards). Any surplus apples are fed to our four pedigree Saddleback pigs, who enjoy an apple as much as they enjoy a scratch behind the ear.
As well as the bigger animals, we have free range chicken that provide us with lovely fresh eggs, and two hives of bees that not only supply us with delicious honey, but also help to pollinate our orchards.